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What are we going to do about the roads?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:42 am
by Jmohin
But seriously?

Even if PGH DPW agrees to re-pave (they won't), it won't happen before carnival and if it does goodbye two weekends of rolls, minimum. Probably more likely we could get a pothole crew out, but that won't make it much better than it is, considering how god-awful they are at actually filling potholes. From what I can tell their philosophy is "dump asphalt near the area of the pothole and hope for the best".

Quickrete fairies are officially prohibited from doing thier goodly services. What we gon' do?!

Re: What are we going to do about the roads?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 11:52 am
by abordick
Patch those holes. The driver's teeth and safety trumps a small city fine.

Re: What are we going to do about the roads?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:12 pm
by Ben
do we know what that fine might be?

Re: What are we going to do about the roads?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:42 pm
by shafeeq
Everybody races on the same course, and it's not going to be perfect, so might as well get on with figuring out how to get around it fast.

Re: What are we going to do about the roads?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:11 pm
by Elmo Zoneball
Secret Ninja alumni pothole repair bandits strike again?

Re: What are we going to do about the roads?

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 4:36 pm
by Elmo Zoneball
Alternatively, leave the orange cones on the course during the race, and turn the chute into a slalom event.

Re: What are we going to do about the roads?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:09 pm
by hvincent
shafeeq wrote:Everybody races on the same course, and it's not going to be perfect, so might as well get on with figuring out how to get around it fast.

Re: What are we going to do about the roads?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 11:33 am
by Abby
They can't fine you if they can't find you. Stealth mode.

I have pics of me with padding duct taped to my chin after giving myself an oddly linear bruise hitting a pothole off hill 2. That pothole was a little dip compared to these, potential for buggy and driver damage is high.

Re: What are we going to do about the roads?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:39 pm
by Ben
Rebroadcast tonight at 8pm on WESA, Mayor Peduto talks about the transportation and pothole situation. I meant to call in when I found myself listening to it, but I was in the car and forgot about it when I got out. ... ws-ukraine

I'll post the episode when it goes up on their site. (or someone else can if they can find it)

Re: What are we going to do about the roads?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:50 pm
by felmley
Well, I heard a rumor that Mayor Peduto was a Pika, at least for a bit. So...

But really, I mean does CMU and our alumni community have so little pull that we can't make this a priority on somebody's list somewhere? It IS a safety issue. It IS the 100th anniversary of Carnival, next year will be the 95th for Sweepstakes. When the hell are we going to get a little respect around here?

Has anyone called the city to request repairs? Has anyone talked to the CMU administration to get their weight behind this? They are so scared about liability that they have started giving out free safety gear to the kids using CMU buildings, why can't we scare them into doing something for this?

Mark Twain said: "Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody does anything about it." This ain't the weather, folks. (Yes, I realize it was CAUSED by the weather.) This is a situation where a large enough group of vocal people can get action. Too bad we don't have a group of alumni with a common interest, with a web page and forums or anything...Oh, wait.

Has anyone filed these holes on What if we all did? the potholes can even be pinpointed on a map. I must admit, I have not personally looked at the course yet this year, hope to tomorrow or Sunday. Someone want to take a stab at locating the holes and posting images/location to here?

Look what we have done so far for the sport. This is the kind of need what the BAA was designed to fill: something bigger than individual teams, bigger than the students' Sweepstakes Committee. This year has been the worst winter for Pittsburgh since the '90's, and the roads were paved after that. it is really just a matter of raising awareness and shifting priorities. Any thoughts? How do we organize?